If you’re interested in becoming a Volunteer with the North Yorkshire Rotters we have opportunities across North Yorkshire.

North Yorkshire is the largest county in England and the North Yorkshire Rotters are committed to providing advice and support on reducing food waste, home composting and recycling and reuse to all parts of the county.
Our Volunteers only carry out those volunteering events that they wish to attend. We aim to have groups of volunteers in as many parts of North Yorkshire as possible so as to reduce the amount of travelling that volunteers have to do.
The types of events that North Yorkshire Rotters attend are as varied as the people that we talk to.
North Yorkshire Rotters only attend events within North Yorkshire, they include meeting members of the public at our market stalls and attending country shows, Harrogate flower show. Some members choose to deliver talks to community groups such as the Women’s Institute, Church groups, luncheon clubs, allotment and gardening associations and rotary clubs, scouts and guides to mention a few.
Meeting young people is a key focus for the North Yorkshire Rotters and we provide a range of activities for schools where a group of three or four Rotters will do short and age appropriate presentations on food waste, LoveFoodHateWaste and help children make a mini-wormery to take home and we show the children that making a smoothie is a great way to use up ripe fruit.
If you are interested in booking the North Yorkshire Rotters to attend an event please contact nyrotters@northyorks.gov.uk
If you are interested in Volunteering with the North Yorkshire Rotters please contact nyrotters@northyorks.gov.uk for more information